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Follow-Me Track-iT

Follow-Me Track-iT

Follow-Me Track-iT is the next generation of Ultra Wideband (UWB) auto-tracking. 

Follow-Me Track-iT allows you to track performers automatically. Performers wear compact trackers (tags) that communicate their position with the anchors surrounding the area to be tracked. Unlimited fixtures and other devices requiring positional data can be assigned to track performers. Follow-Me Track-iT's positional data can be shared with third-party systems over Posi Stage Net (PSN), for example for audio and video systems.

By integrating a Follow-Me Track-iT server into an existing Follow-Me 3D SIX system you have the advantage of having fall-back options at all times and the unique ability to monitor the tracking process live via the Follow-Me camera. Extending a Follow-Me 3D SIX system with Track-iT allows you to use both manual and auto tracking simultaneously, autonomously and as redundancy.

Follow-Me Track-iT is able to scale with your requirements. At all times you are able to add more tags to follow additional performers and if the size of your performance area increases, you can simply add additional anchors to expand the reach of the trackable area.